We are Striker
Striker Capital Management is a private equity firm (PEF) that invests in multiple asset classes, including growth capital, corporate buyout, real estate, infrastructure, and distressed & special situations.

Who we are
The term "Stryker" the name of an Army division which is deployed and dispatched to the front line positions of war zone. As the name implies, our company will play at the forefront of investment with expert skills, precise timing and courage to deliver our investors a win in the capital market.
We seek innovation
Striker seeks innovation. We are not complacent with our current conditions but always question the general conventions to create value and present new ideas and approaches to generate higher returns.
We strive to acquire complete knowledge
Striker values deep and complete industry knowledge and aims to be the paragon of our industry. To that end, we follow a patient, disciplined and wise approach, employ high-quality experts, pursue the highest standards of excellence, and align our interests with those of our investment partners. Our focus is to deliver best results through raising personal and corporate knowledge to another level.
Investment philosophy
We, Striker Capital Management, enforce philanthropy through capital. We seek to drive positive impact, generate superior investment returns and create value for our investors, companies and communities.
Invest in sectors we know, and value depth over breadth. Deliver best-in-class investment activities by creating and executing a customized value creation plan for each of our invested companies.
Aim transparent governance structure and high morals. Build appropriate governance structures with portfolio companies with respect to environmental, public health, human rights, safety, and social issues, with the goal of improving performance and minimizing adverse impacts in these areas.
Common Interest
Treat our investors’ money as if it were our own, balancing risk and reward. Pursue the common interest of our investors, companies and communities.
Investment Strategy
Searching for Companies
We implement a top-down approach from economy, industry, then to companies, to find investment opportunities. We are always on the lookout for opportunities where we are able to add and create value in a way that our competitors cannot. We feel the obligation to go out there, proactively, and find special situations where we can intervene to drive change, and generate superior return. We work to identify, invest in and enhance the value of great businesses. Striker examines sectors, and once we find a potential opportunity, we perform due diligence on proprietary investment opportunities. In the process of potential opportunity examination, economic moat is a qualitative value indicator, and EV / EBITDA and real PBR multiplier are quantitative value indicators. After thorough evaluation of such qualitative and quantitative criteria, we proceed with the investment.
Structuring Investment
Through extensive research, collection of industry knowledge & expertise, and unlimited discussion, Striker come up with ingenious and creative investment structures for each target. As Striker strive for complete and deep industry knowledge of the target, we set research and collection of knowledge as our precondition to deliver the most reasonable structure for the interests of our investors, companies, and communities. As well, adjustments are made with consideration of economies of scale and economies of scope. Leverage is used in proportion to the net assets of the target company. Thus, we set a variety of trenches to suit investors' needs.
Securing Returns/Principals
Our main focus is the redemption of principal when considering exit options. To accomplish principal redemption or the equivalent, we pursue all fronts, even to non-recurring profits. Once principal redemption is accomplished, we take actions in all possible ends to raise and create value, to deliver the best profit. Our preference in return is through natural inflow of cash, via dividend and repayment. Listing and selling are used as the last means to raise the final yield. Frequent and periodic cash flow monitoring systems are set in place for risk management. With this strategy, we seek to generate investment returns and success not only for ourselves, but for our companies, investors and communities.